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CV Servaas Roelandse


expositions/fairs/projects (selection)


06-2020  work displayed on  |  Art Company Eindhoven

01-2020  work permanently represented by |  Art Company Eindhoven

05-2019  group exposition  |  gallery van Dun Oisterwijk

06-2016  solo exposition  |  gallery Helder Den Haag

05-2014  Affordable Artfair Maastricht  |  gallery Judy Straten Horst

02-2014  commission design 'Golden spoon award'  |  SWITCH

02-2014. commission design artwork 'Kinderkunstweek'  |  Kinderkunstweek

02-2014  commission artwork for the collection CBK Zeeland  |  CBK Zeeland

02-2013  Art Warehouse Fair  |  gallery Judy Straten Horts

02-2013  start 'Skype Sketch Art Project'  |  global Skype Sketch project

02-2013  start '365-day SELF-project  |  365 self portraits in one year

02-2012  RAW ART Fair  |  gallery Judy Straten Horst

02-2012  commission artwork Lamswaarde in public domain

02-2011  group exposition 'Co-op'  |  gallery Judy Straten Horst

01-2011  artshop Judy Straten Horst

11-2011  group exposition  |  Festival KOM Oosterhout 

02-2011  solo exposition  |  gallery 'de school' lamswaarde

04-2009  group exposition 'From the bowl'  |  gallery 1.000.000.etc Middelburg

04-2007  solo exposition 'het duel'  |  gallery 1.000.000.etc Middelburg

06-2007  group exposition  | CBK Zeeland

11-2006  group exposition  |  grote kerk Veere Zeeland

08-2006  solo exposition  |  gallery Contempo Eindhoven

07-2006  solo exposition  |  CBK kunstuitleen Terneuzen

01-2006  group exposition  |  gallery Kunsthard Oosterhout




2001 - present  |   teaching at HKU hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht

2005 - 2016  |  teaching at Toonbeeld  centre of the arts Terneuzen

2014 - present  |  teaching at h19 centre of the arts Oosterhout




1996 - 2000  |  HKU Hogeschool voor de kunsten Utrecht


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